Here's the last of three posts from Rodden Reserve. Sorry it's taken longer to get this one up, but life outside blogging sometimes gets in the way!
I just loved this autumnal tangle.
If you saw someone wearing these colours together, you might think....hmmmm....interesting combo, but there's no such thing as colour clashing in nature I think. A last Buddleia flower with Rosehips behind. Fly on white flower.
Fragrant wild Honeysuckle still in flower.
A view of the Mill House with the usual distant Grey Heron and some Canada Geese.
Lush Rosehips still hard looking and crispy before any hard frosts yet.
Now I paid a high price for this particular shot. It was early morning and the dew was clinging closely to the seedhead in the centre and I wanted to get down low for my shot. So I sat down on the path without looking behind me and promtly stood up again. I'd sat slap bang on the middle of a stinging nettle plant! I was still feeling it that evening! (o:
Of course, I then managed to find another plant very similar without a neighbouring stinging nettle thank goodness!
The startling pink of Euonymous europeas hit me between the eyes as I walked round. In a few days time this will be even more of a dazzling show as the bright orange seeds peep out from their pink pillows!
An autumn post wouldn't be right without a shot of ripening Hazelnuts. I'm sure the squirrels will make short work of these.
In Britian, Privet is so often used as hedging and is generally clipped and sheared to uniform shapes, but on the reserve, we get to see this unassuming plant as it is meant to be with its plump black berries at this time of year. I'm sure these will be snapped up shortly too!
Hi jen, I love the autumn tones, atmospheres and colours too. It is also a good moment for bird migrants. Your pictures really reflect the autumn atmosphere very well. Well done.
Ouch! That must'a hurt, those stinging nettles...! LOVE the hazelnuts pic, Jen. Looks so much like a painting. Like you, I love seeing the little things - geometric shapes and wads of sticks together and the various hues of autumn. Love this, dearie.
Jen, Rodden Reserve thru your eyes is even more special. The shots were worth the sting in the butt. Well, guess it wasn't my butt, easy to say huh? Lots of color for Fall! I will be looking forward to some snow on Rodden but I don't want to be hurrying it or anything.
...the photo of the fly on the white flower is stunning. I really like the contrast. Stinging Nettle is bad, but sitting in it--ouch! You poor things...what we don't do for our photos. (Life getting in the way of posts is all too familiar!)
Hi Chris, I'm curious as to how much autumn colour you get where you live?
Hi Tony, Ha! Might have guessed you'd focus on that event! (-: Even if I'd found some Dock leaves, I don't think I would have wanted to apply them right then! (-:
Hi Debs, I've noticed that very thing in your posts. If they're still there, I should go back and get a photo of those hazelnuts a bit more matured....if I can find any after the squirrels have been through them! (-:
Hi Roy, thanks.
Hi Pix, I guess I didn't think it was worth it at the time, but it became background pain after a while if that makes sense! We don't always get snow here during winter, so, we'll have to wait and see!
Hi Kelly, I'm glad you liked that particular shot. I haven't as yet laid down on a wet day to get a photo like Chris in Iceland, but maybe I just haven't found the right opportunity yet! (-:
Delightful stroll, Jenny. The Mill shot is so interesting. The herons around here wouldn't hang around buildings too much. Your fall is filled with wonderful colors.
We appreciate the sacrifices you make for your great photos :-) I agree that nothing in Nature clashes and all the colors and patterns are lovely. These are great autumn shots.
Stunning photos Jenny! Well worth clicking on them. That White flower with the fly is wonderful and the colours are all great. I love the last shot too! Very nice thank you very much!! Hope you are enjoying your trip!!!
Hi jen,
I love the autumn tones, atmospheres and colours too. It is also a good moment for bird migrants. Your pictures really reflect the autumn atmosphere very well. Well done.
Jen, I always thought that nature photography could be a pain inthe butt.....and you have proved it!!
Ouch! That must'a hurt, those stinging nettles...! LOVE the hazelnuts pic, Jen. Looks so much like a painting. Like you, I love seeing the little things - geometric shapes and wads of sticks together and the various hues of autumn. Love this, dearie.
A lovely post to wrap up the series Jen. Thanks
Jen, Rodden Reserve thru your eyes is even more special. The shots were worth the sting in the butt. Well, guess it wasn't my butt, easy to say huh? Lots of color for Fall! I will be looking forward to some snow on Rodden but I don't want to be hurrying it or anything.
...the photo of the fly on the white flower is stunning. I really like the contrast. Stinging Nettle is bad, but sitting in it--ouch! You poor things...what we don't do for our photos. (Life getting in the way of posts is all too familiar!)
Hi Chris, I'm curious as to how much autumn colour you get where you live?
Hi Tony, Ha! Might have guessed you'd focus on that event! (-: Even if I'd found some Dock leaves, I don't think I would have wanted to apply them right then! (-:
Hi Debs, I've noticed that very thing in your posts. If they're still there, I should go back and get a photo of those hazelnuts a bit more matured....if I can find any after the squirrels have been through them! (-:
Hi Roy, thanks.
Hi Pix, I guess I didn't think it was worth it at the time, but it became background pain after a while if that makes sense! We don't always get snow here during winter, so, we'll have to wait and see!
Hi Kelly, I'm glad you liked that particular shot. I haven't as yet laid down on a wet day to get a photo like Chris in Iceland, but maybe I just haven't found the right opportunity yet! (-:
Delightful stroll, Jenny. The Mill shot is so interesting. The herons around here wouldn't hang around buildings too much. Your fall is filled with wonderful colors.
We appreciate the sacrifices you make for your great photos :-) I agree that nothing in Nature clashes and all the colors and patterns are lovely. These are great autumn shots.
Stunning photos Jenny! Well worth clicking on them. That White flower with the fly is wonderful and the colours are all great. I love the last shot too! Very nice thank you very much!!
Hope you are enjoying your trip!!!
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