This post concentrates on the birds and bugs that I found on my walks around Rodden Reserve. An obliging Tortoiseshell sits on one of our signs.
I think I shall feint if I ever get close enough to get a decent photo of these resident Grey Herons before they get spooked! First one and then the second took off to settle on a quieter part of the reserve. I think there must've been some aphids on this rose as there were three Blue Tits feeding together. I only managed to snap one of them though.
Long-tailed Tits tend to fly around in quite large parties at this time of year and I had a flock fly through quite close while I was standing in one of my favourite spots on the reserve.
In the same area, I also had about 8-10 warblers pass through too. From the calls, I think most of them were Chiffchaffs. As I was standing there, all of a sudden there were lots of alarm calls and a Sparrowhawk swooped into a nearby tree. It gave me a fierce glare for a second before dashing off again. I didn't have time to get my camera up unfortunately. As a consequence, all the small birds that had been busy around me had shut up and completely gone to ground.
I often see Common Buzzards at the reserve. I'm sure they must nest somewhere close by. I love their wild cry.
On to the bugs. This is a Long-winged Conehead with it's amazingly long antennae. It's also a female with that long ovipositor.
I was pleased to find this Southern Hawker still patrolling his chosen area of pond.
A common Garden Spider (Areneus diadematus) just wrapping up something tasty for breakfast! They are easily recognised by the white cross on their back. Another name for it is Cross Spider.
I don't know which spider this is, but it had an impressive web which showed up well due to the dew!
There was still the odd plant flowering on the reserve and this Small Copper was taking advantage of that fact. They are one of my favourite butterflies. Always looking so neat and vibrant.
Lastly, this is what I would call a 'des res' (desirable residence). I can't help but think this Ladybird is checking it out as a place to settle down for the winter months. This is the seedhead of the wild Carrot which makes a distinctive concave nest of seeds.
I'll have one more post about my walks around Rodden Reserve.
Hi Jen, beautiful shot of the LT Tit. Equally you did a good job with the Buzzard, they certainly remind me of my boyhood days in Somerset as I use to see them in the sky frequently. Lets face it Mrs V, those darn Herons just don't like you.{:)
You saw lots of good stuff! I hope you glared back at the hawk for scaring away your birds. I'd say you got a pretty good shot of the heron leaving at least! Love the ladybug residence. So cute! You sure got some great bug shots! is a bonanza! The photo of the dragonfly in mid-flight is cool, and the ladybug photo is that little orange butterfly too! I was just at Warren's site and he has a few photos of a Long-tailed Tit too. Such cute little birds. We have nothing like them. They always look a little furry to me. I really like the composition in your photo.
Super selection from Rodden. You'll have to make friends with the Herons first I don't know how you achieve the Hawker in notch shot plus excellent detail on the Buzzard.
Hi Roy, I was lucky to get that one LT Tit to stay still long enough for a photo! (-: Hmmm. I know, maybe I'm not wearing the right perfume for those Herons! (-:
Hi Mary, I'm afraid I didn't glare at the Sparrowhaw. I dont see so well often enough, so just enjoyed the brief view I did get.
Hi Kelly, I'll have to go over and check out Warren's blog, I've not been there before. I find myself wish I had some of your birds....hummers for instance! (-:
Hi Chris, I hope you post your Tit photos from France. I'm enjoying the butterflies already! (-:
Hi Frank, to be honest, I just stayed ages and took LOTS of photos of that Southern Hawker. That's the great thing about digital, no waste! (-:
Wren the wild Carrot that the Ladybird is checking out, is it called Queen Annes Lace too? That dragonfly shot! OY!! All beautiful shots! That reserve is magical Wren!
When a person starts observing the natural world then we realize how many wonderful living things there are all around. This post is a wonderful tribute to that abundance!
Hi Jen, beautiful shot of the LT Tit.
Equally you did a good job with the Buzzard, they certainly remind me of my boyhood days in Somerset as I use to see them in the sky frequently.
Lets face it Mrs V, those darn Herons just don't like you.{:)
You saw lots of good stuff! I hope you glared back at the hawk for scaring away your birds. I'd say you got a pretty good shot of the heron leaving at least! Love the ladybug residence. So cute! You sure got some great bug shots! is a bonanza! The photo of the dragonfly in mid-flight is cool, and the ladybug photo is that little orange butterfly too! I was just at Warren's site and he has a few photos of a Long-tailed Tit too. Such cute little birds. We have nothing like them. They always look a little furry to me. I really like the composition in your photo.
Superbe Jen... The tits were almsot the only species of birds I got pictures off during my trip to France, but your pictures are better than mine ;-)
Super selection from Rodden. You'll have to make friends with the Herons first I don't know how you achieve the Hawker in notch shot plus excellent detail on the Buzzard.
Hi Roy, I was lucky to get that one LT Tit to stay still long enough for a photo! (-: Hmmm. I know, maybe I'm not wearing the right perfume for those Herons! (-:
Hi Mary, I'm afraid I didn't glare at the Sparrowhaw. I dont see so well often enough, so just enjoyed the brief view I did get.
Hi Kelly, I'll have to go over and check out Warren's blog, I've not been there before. I find myself wish I had some of your birds....hummers for instance! (-:
Hi Chris, I hope you post your Tit photos from France. I'm enjoying the butterflies already! (-:
Hi Frank, to be honest, I just stayed ages and took LOTS of photos of that Southern Hawker. That's the great thing about digital, no waste! (-:
Wren the wild Carrot that the Ladybird is checking out, is it called Queen Annes Lace too? That dragonfly shot! OY!! All beautiful shots! That reserve is magical Wren!
Great shots Jen. Love the dragon and the LTT.
You really did post some excellent bird pictures.
superb; bravo
When a person starts observing the natural world then we realize how many wonderful living things there are all around. This post is a wonderful tribute to that abundance!
Great photos Jenny! I love that first one best of the Tortoiseshell! Great spiders and bugs and birds!
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