Fern unfurled.
After the curiosity on the colour that my unfurling fern photo provoked, I dashed out this evening and took a photo of it unfurled. Here is it in all its green glory! (-: When I said 'a few days ago' in my last post, it must have been quite a few days, maybe last week! I lose track of time! (-:
I actually have two of these and this one was easier to photograph as the other one is under our cherry tree. It's a really lovely foliage brown or green!
Wow, that happened fast. Lovely close up.
Hi Christine, I just made a point of looking up when I took that first photo and it was the 20th of April, in other words, more than a week ago! So it didn't happen as fast as I made it sound. Oh hum! (-:
Thanks for the update Jenny, the fern is very eye catching.
Thank you for the green surprise!
Looks like your getting he rain as well Jen. {:(
That is a beauty Jenny! And in your honor I bought a Japanese Painted Fern yesterday, which I will try to get into the ground today.
What an interesting fern...it looks like an evergreen branch of some sort. Pretty!
Hi there Julie, yes I really love 'em. I have some different ones in the garden to and should get some photos of them sometime soon.
Hello Shelley, you're very welcome. I guess it is a surprise after the brown start!
Hi Roy, yes lots of rain, I'm glad I got all my early spring surveys done already otherwise I would have been in trouble timewise!
Hi Evie, well, I'm honoured! Will you post of photo of it sometime?
Hi Mary, yes, they really are a pretty plant and look good against the shingle particularly.
Lovely blog...so many nice images. The little lambs, of course, melted my heart.
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