Garden surprise!
Chris, being a cabinetmaker has to keep his stock of wood somewhere. So we have a couple of piles of planks in the garden to 'air dry'. The other day Chris had to check on one of the piles to get some wood out and found a surprise under the polythene cover!
This young hedgehog was taking a snooze in our cosy woodpile! We haven't seen a hedgehog in our garden for years so this was a real thrill.
I would love to have seen its snout and got a photo, but I didn't want to wake it up so I just left a pile of sultanas under there and we put the polythene back. Luckily, Chris didn't need to actually get any wood out on this occasion.
I always think of Alice in Wonderland when I see a hedghog. :)
Adorable! I've been waiting patiently for one of you on that side of the pond to show me a hedgehog! I would dearly love to have them in my garden. The one time we went to England, we did spot one in Wales but didn't get a good photo and my daughter who was "hedgehog nuts" at the time didn't even see it....just Mike and I. She did buy a stuffed one while there :-) I guess you do not see them very often? I'd probably take a million photos of them.
The author Jan Brett has Hedgie the Hedgehog in her wonderfully illustrated children's books. I am a fan, how wonderful it would be to find one in my wood pile. Do they do any damage to your garden's Jennie?
Ahhhhh!! You are so sweet too!! Don't listen to Julie, you have to name him Sonic!!!
Hope you get to see him again and how big is Sonic doo? Post a picture!! hahahahaha!!
Hi Steve, childhood memories stay strong! (-:
Hi Mary, I would like nothing more than to be able to blog more about hedgehogs, but we literally haven't seen a live one for probably 10 years. Shame. They have really declined I think. Of course, they're mostly nocturnal too which doesn't help!
Hi Julie, on the contrary, they are or would be a real gardeners friend as they love to munch on slugs and snails. It really is a shame that they're not more common.
Hi Evie, well to keep you both happy, I'll call him sonic hedgie! (-: I have a feeling he's moved on to pastures or gardens new though. I think he might have deposited something on some of Chris's English Oak, so will go and investigate with the camera. You have a thing about poo at the moment! (-:
Precious, spiky little thing. Do they bury their noses when they are snoozing>
I want to hug that hedgehog! Well maybe not - but he sure is cute! Great photos!
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