Friday, 7 May 2010

In case you were wondering........

Hi folks!

Just a quick note to say that I've not been blogging for a while because I've been away on a birding trip to the Greek Island of Lesvos and now that I'm back, I'm trying to trawl my way through tooooo many photos so that I can make up a CD of Lesvos images for a sick friend to look through and also have some photos ready for some blog posts about my time over there.  Hopefully, I'll have a post ready in a few days time! I also need to catch up on reading my favourite blogs too!  Digits crossed that I'm back soon! (-: 
Wren xx


The Giraffe Head Tree said...

Aha! So that's where you've been! You've been missed and we all look forward to reading about your adventures!

Anonymous said...

Yes...I was wondering!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see the pictures! Glad you had a good trip. We no longer have access to our old e-mail account so please contact us on our new gmail account.

Dog Trot Farm said...

Jenny Wren, I thought you had dropped of the face of the earth, Greece really? What a well traveled women you are, can't wait to see your photos!

Rural Rambler said...

Glad you are back Wren! Looking forward to the posts from Lesvos :)

Mary said...

We are anxiously waiting :-) We want lots of photos and lots of details! Many posts!

John said...

Wondered were you had disapeared off to. Not that I am envious of course ;)

Hope it was a fantastic trip with lots of great birds.

Eve said...

Take your time Jenny Wren, we'll all still be here when you post!

Quiet Paths said...

You relax and rest up Jenny. I am really looking forward to the photos! Sounds like a wonderful place.

Kelly said...

Wow! A birding trip to the Greek islands. I can't wait to see what you've found. I'm so far behind with my posts too. Unfortunately because I've been so busy with work...wish I had been birding instead.