Hello blogger friends. I'm hoping to make a return to blogland and thought I'd start up again with this magical encounter I had the other day while walking one of my bird surveys for the Bristish Trust for Ornithology. I noticed this young hare about 100 yards away down the track and fully expected him to disappear into the undergrowth. I took a quick photo, but then to my amazement, it started running towards me, stopping every few steps. So, I contintued to take photos with my 70-300 ml lens until it was just too close! When I lowered my camera, it was sitting in front of me, just 3-4 feet away! Needless to say, I had a big grin on my face for the rest of the survey! (-:

Hi Jen,
That was a brilliant encounter (How lucky).
He obviously knew that you were such a nice person and wouldn't hurt him.
Hi Jen,
What a return!!! Welcome back. Fantastic pictures, with nice sun and a nice price... You will see that things have changed in the blog world for me as I've moved my blog to my website..
Wow, what luck! I would also be there with a grin! So amazing to capture such an animal so close!
A good post to start off with again!
Welcome back!
Hello Roy, I feel very lucky indeed! I see you've fallen off the edge of blogworld too! Hope all is well with you and V!
Hi Chris, thanks, it was an amazing experience. I'll have to look you up! (-:
Hi Shirleyanne, thank you. It was very lucky, not likely to happen again. I'm glad I had my camera ready!
What a great moment! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Nice to see you back blogging.
Oh my gosh, Jenny! What a magical encounter!! ...and beautiful, sweet photos too. I love the shots where he's running towards you, and the last capture is classic. It looks like he wants to ask you a question or something!
Hey!1 Welcome back Jen!! Thanks for posting this - I really enjoyed the series of photos as he/she approached you. And what a cracker of a header too!! Don't stay away so long this time LOL!! x
What a fantastic series of photographs, I would give a great deal to get that close to a hare!
Welcome back! What a great post and photos. Love the cute hare!
Hi Jen, yes been away on hols as you can probably see on my blog now. Yes we are both fine thanks.
What a moment to have enjoyed – and additionally rewarded with a lovely set of images.
Hi Red, thank you! (-:
Hi Kelly, that one running towards me is my fav too, hence the header! Yes, very sweet pose at the end! (-:
Hi Tony, I'll try not to stay away! (-:
Hi Rowan, thanks, yes, it was an amazing experience!
Hi Eileen, thank you!
Hi Roy, yes, I found you again and have you up on my list now! (-:
Hi Tim, yes, I always take my camera when I'm surveying just in case! (-:
OH it came right up to you, Jen! Well done.
Welcome back! What a wonderful encounter. The photos are great...it sure is cute sitting there looking at you.
Hi Christine, yes,it was quite amazing! I'm grinning as I think about it now! (-:
Hi Mary, I couldn't believe it came so close. I just hope it gets a bit more sense!!! (-:
Beautiful hare photographs. My favourites are 4,5,6 and 7 and the light is brilliant for the job. It must have been a lovely encounter.
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