A couple of weekends ago I went with two of my birding friends to Slimbridge Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust . This reserve lies on the banks of the River Severn about 90 minutes north of Frome. For more information on the reserve you can click on the link. To be honest, it's not somewhere I go to often. It's not cheap to get in and also most of what is there are collections of wildfowl from around the world, interesting but not wild.
There are parts of the reserve that are set up for watching wild birds though and there happened to be two or three good year ticks here. This (below) is the view from the Zeiss hide. If you click to enlarge this photo, you will see more clearly the River Severn in the background and beyond that, Wales. From here we watched an energetic Red necked Phalarope, spinning and twisting after food on the water (when are they ever not energetic!) (-: This is a bird that I certainly don't get to see every year, so was a real treat. We also picked up Curlew Sandpipers, Spotted Redshanks and Little Stints, all good yearbird waders (shorebirds).

It's hard to walk around
Slimbridge and not take the opportunity for photos of exotic birds! Flamingos are certainly birds that I'm not going to see anytime soon away from
They're amazing looking birds. It would be great to see them in their natural habitat sometime!
On the other hand, Common Crane is a bird that I can get to see in Britain, usually in just one area of Norfolk on the eastern side of Britain. At present, Slimbridge are in the process of rearing young Common Cranes with a view to releasing them into the wild somewhere on the Somerset Levels, which is an exciting prospect as that is very local to me!
What a great place, Jens! Although not wild, still it's fascinating to see these wonderful creatures so closely. The Common Crane - what a face! Love your new header, too. Reminds me of our Sandhill Cranes, WHICH SHOULD BE HERE SOON, btw. Yay! I'm crazy about the clump of fungi - something out of Riven - and I think those male ducks were just showing off for the ladies. Ahem. That chick with THOSE FEET! SO funny and cute!!! Thanks for taking us along - how much do I owe for my share of the trip?
Great post Jen. I can always rely on you to shake the memory tree!!
Wow!! cranes on the levels will be something else!! any idea on timeing? We may be visiting in 2011/12 hope they are there then!!
Jenny, the Common Crane does not appear so common, what a stunner. Wonderful photos, thanks for taking us on a great field trip.
Jen oh my gosh that baby chick, I would want to scoop it up so bad and snuggle it. CH would be sure to remind me that my legs looked like that little chick's legs :) The second shot of the Common Crane is great! The flamingos, I just love them and love to watch them. A great day daytrip Jen!
What a great cornucopia of critters Jenny! I love that little coot there too! And that goose with the twig. Very fun! Glad you went and thanks for taking us along!!!
Nice to see the Otters Jen and all the strange ducks that you dont see around Frome. {:).
There have been a number of sightings around the fens of the Cranes. Great shots by the way and super new header.
Hi there Debs, t'was a free trip! (-: I'd love to get to see Sandhill Cranes again and when I saw the Whoopers in Texas, they were quite distant unfortunately! Even tho these will be re-introduced birds, it will still be a thrill to see them on my local Somerset Levels.
Hi Tony, do you remember meeting me outside Slimbridge when I went there to see my first ever Red necked Phalarope? You asked my what the bill was like, and I replied...'well it had one'!!! (-: Tooo funny! (-: Happy times. Well, I'm not sure on the timing, I will ask Paul when we next speak, he might know, or you could e-mail him. Let me know when you're coming over and we'll get together for sure! (-: xx
Hi Julie, well they're pretty common on the continent, but are only just about hanging on here in Britain. So, will be great to see them released so local to me. I would dearly love to see their mating dance!
Hi Pix, yes, that chick would make a nice handful! (-: tho those feet could probably cause some damage!
Hi there Evie, it was nice to have something to blog about, and the inclination to post it too! (-:
Hi Roy, have you seem them nearby? Usually, to see them I have to travel right to the east coast of Norfolk/Suffolk border. It's great to hear that they might be spreading from there! Glad you like the header, me too! (-:
Unfortunately I haven't seen them Jen but check this out.
That looked like a very fine trip. You are right the little chick stole the day.Very cute. You have such excellent shots, Jenny!
Ahh Jen, more memories but it's been a long time since I visited Slimbridge. The Crane Project is well underway with 21 youngsters transferred to the Levels in August and an update suggests a successful release on 19 Sept.
BTW the 'Meerkats' are White-faced Whistling Ducks and not usually very quiet..lol.
Hi Roy, thanks for the link, will check that out this evening.
Hi Christine, it was certainly very sweet posing like that! (-:
Hi Frank, thanks for the crane info, it so happened that I stumbled upon the crane website via me getting started on twitter just a couple of days ago. (-:
That view from the hide is beautiful! How neat to have places like that to go and just sit and watch and take photos. You mean you don't have flamingoes wandering around at home? LOL I love the otters...one of my favorite mammals to watch. You must have had very clean plexiglass to get such great photos. That moorhen chick is so cute! What big feet and such a small body of fluff. Nothing cuter than a baby bird. The ducks and geese and crane are neat too. YOu have a great day! Love the header photo.
Wow! Looks like a fabulous place...and a fabulous day. I love that little chick too, and the otter photos are so good! I'd love to see a pair in the wild. Your Common Crane is beautiful and your photos are wonderful (love the header...). I've seen Sandhill Cranes and they take my breath away. I bet I'd fall in love with the Common Cranes just a quickly.
Hi Mary, actually, from memory that glass was filthy, but I guess it didn't show up too much in the photos. I'm usually not too keen on hides as I always feel I'm missing out on the view above and behind if you know what I mean. Handy in bad weather though! (-:
Hi Kelly, is there somewhere local where you could get to see wild otters? I've been lucky enough to see them wild in Scotland and also on the Somerset Levels. You can't see them too much though! (-: Hope you get a chance sometime soon!
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