For the final set of photos from Rodden reserve (for now), I thought I'd start off with the ubiquitous Purple Loosetrife photo (-: It really is a lovely sight at this time of year.

Thank you all for coming along on my Rodden rambles. (-:
Thank you all for coming along on my Rodden rambles. (-:
Absolutely gorgeous photos Jenny! I bet the Goldfinches will love the teasels!
I see the signs of autumn are fast approaching.
I love rambling with you Jenny! Of course you know Teasel is my favorite!! I wonder why that is??? You did good out there Jenny and even tho Roy would never believe that you and I could be quiet long enough to bring in some critters...and he's probably right...we'd still have a great time! ha ha!!
I do declare Fall is in the air! Just gorgeous photos Jenny. Your pictures leave me speechless. I especially like the new header.Are you a Cannon or Nikon Gal? Do tell.
Hi Sharon, yes, there are lots of Goldfinches about the reserve and they'll definitely be on that Teasel and all the thistle heads too.
Hi Evie, I guess we'll just have to prove him wrong eh? (-:
Hi Julie, Ha! Well, as it happens, I'm both a Nikon and Canon gal! I use a Nikon D40X and have a 70-300ml lens on that most of the time (to try for birds and bugs and stuff)except when I get into macro mood when I have the 105ml macro on it. And for mostly scenic shots I also have around my neck a Canon G10 (with which I think, you are quite familiar)! (-: Getting into photography a bit has changed the way I look and think when I go out for walks and on trips now. I love it! (-:
Love the wildlife in UK! They are so different from what we have in Hong Kong.
Wren the Rodden Reserve Ramble was colorful, fun and interesting. The pictures really are stunning. Now we need an "over the puddle" ramble from you! Those two butterfly shots, goodness you can see the little fuzzies on the body?, I don't know correct terminology on butterfly parts, well except for wings, feeties and antenna. Feeties not so much, I guess. Thank you for all the Purple Loosetrife shots. I would still love a whole field of it!
I love that purple loosetrife photo! Very pretty! Great shots of the butterfly and bee. You have a good eye to spot that pheasant in the grass! I love your colorful!
Ah.....sigh.....lovely! Thanks for the stroll!
Hi HK friend, thanks for commenting on my blog. I've had a look at yours, stunning photography! I've stuck you on my blog roll! (-:
Hi Pix, I bet if you got some over there, it would soon fill a field, tho I think it likes to be near water! One day hopefully next year, there will be several rambles across the puddle! Digits crossed!
Hi there Mary, I wish our woodpeckers were as confiding as yours, it's not often that I get the chance for photos of our ones and we only have three, one of which (the lesser spotted woodpecker) is a myth! I've seen less than 10 in the 12 years I've been birding!
Hi there Debs, glad you liked the ramble. I hope to get out there again soon! Or somewhere....anywhere! (-:
Love the first shot Jen, and that was a lovely ramble altogether. Thanks.
Delightful walk again! Love those tree / sky shots of the woodpecker. It looks a bit larger than the common ones we have around here.
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