When I first started coming to Rodden Reserve a few years ago, it was still quite a newly made reserve by the supermarket Asda as mitigation for building on a wet meadow area. All the paths were pristine gravel and the bridges brash new wood. I'm pleased to say that now the paths have 'weathered in' beautifully as have the bridges. The Purple Loosetrife helps soften the bridge here I think.
Here's my obliging Migrant Hawker. I had to wade through some foliage to get close to him, but he posed well both at rest and in the air.
I'd have liked to use this photo for my header but the background looked too messy when I tried it.
This one was taken while it was hovering against one of the bridges around the reserve.
I put this distant photo of these Blue-tailed Damselflies in because I'd never before witnessed two males trying to mate with a female at the same time. The one trying to muscle in had to give up in the end.
There are a couple of Grey Herons that use the ponds on the reserve and they always spook very easily. I had to do a lot of creeping to snap this sneaky shot through the foliage!
I know in my previous post, I said that I'd keep the Purple Loosetrife photos to one per post, but I'm not counting the one by the bridge. So here's the official one! (-:
Now on the whole I'd consider myself to be what I'd call a sociable birder. I like to share birding experiences with other like minded people. Sometimes though, there are advantages to going out on my own. On one of my morning walks around the reserve, I knew there were a couple of Sedge Warblers flitting about in the reeds and sedges that surround the main lake. So I stood in one of my favourite spots.....and stood.......and waited, watching subtle twitches of leaves, knowing those small skulking birds were just out of my sight. After about an hour of standing there with the occasional brief glimpse, I was able to take a few quick shots. In the one below, a spider was having a bad day!
'Clocked' again!
This one is just making a dive for cover so I left them in peace and carried on my walk.
I'll finish off my Rodden rambles in the next post.
Hi Jen,
Wow excellent and beautiful post. I love the migrant hawker pictures, especially the flight and you header is just gorgeous.... I'd love to see warbler during my trip to France but I guess they will start to go off to Africa :-(
Another great post about your local reserve Jen. Yes the P/Loosestrife definitely make the bridge. Super shots of the Hawker and you did well to get that little Sedge Warbler, they are always so difficult.
This post just made my day. I loved every snippet, every glance, every little piece of it. Thanks, dear.
Beautiful, colorful photography!!
Great patience Jenny! I love seeing the Loosestrife in its natural habitat! Love the bridge shot too! Wish I was there to sit quietly with you..but I doubt we'd be quiet enough!!
Wren I LOVE all the Purple Loosetrife that sneaked into this post!!! Beautiful pictures one and all and this is a great post for me on this rainy, dreary MissouREE morning. Not complaining about the rain, we needed it.
Post all the purple loosestrife you want...it's very pretty! I love the fence shot. I'm amazed that you can catch those dragonflies in the air! I can get sitting shots...but flying? Too fast! Interesting damselflies...good shot! You are really patient with those birds. My knee hurts the most when I have to stand a long time, so I would have never managed these great shots. The one with the spider...excellent!
Hi Jenny. I'm with Mary..keep posting the Purple Loosestrife its a great plant. Cracking flight shots of the Hawker..they all seem to be flying a bit high up for me at the moment. FAB.
Hi Chris, when are you off to France? Soon if I remember right, so you might be lucky and catch some warbler there yet! Hope so.
Hi Roy, yes it was fun just standing there in anticipation of a glimpse and worth the wait in the end.
Hi Debs, glad you liked it. It's a great little reserve and I'm lucky to have it just 5 minutes down the road from me.
Hi Cindy, thanks, glad you enjoyed it. (-:
Hi Evie, well we'll have to test our quietness sometime wont we! (-:
Hi Pix, well, I put that extra Loosetrife piccy in just for you! (-: Maybe next year, I'll do a Purple Loosetrife special! (-:
Hi Mary, you haven't seen all the dud shots I got of that Hawker dragonfly in the air! (-:
Hi Frank, I know you've had your good moments with dragons in the past, so I'm sure they'll come back down for you sometime soon! (-:
Evie and you sitting quietly???? {:)
Ah... summer bliss. The colors, the textures. Soak it all up! I love your walks.
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