Here are some beautiful butterflies that were feasting on Mum's Buddleia as well as the Hummingbird Hawkmoth (featured in the previous post). The Peacock is one of our biggest butterflies and so showy. Each time I looked they seem to have multiplied. First one.....

Beautiful set of butterflies images Jen. I haven't seen many Red Admirals this year. I think the Blackcap is a young lady, as my book says that the immature male would have "pointed outer tail feathers". Whatever, you need to revisit that garden as often as poss as you always seem to get good sightings there.
Hi Jen,
Wpw the blackcap pictures are terrific... I'll give anything to see one, this is still abird I've to add on my birdlist!
I think that Blackcap saw that little Wren and had to inspect!!! You really just can't beat the Buddliea to attract butterflies! Sadly mine look more like the one that caused your photo of the Comma to fade out!! (it's been way too hot and not enough least that's my excuse for not deadheading!!!) Did you ever figure out what the red background was? A UFO maybe??? You were to focused on butterflies to notice a UFO!!!!
Great pictures Jen! Beautiful butterflies. I think we need to get some Buddleia in our yard fast. We have lots of butterflies floating and fluttering in the yard but I want more! I love September, it seems to be butterfly month. Everywhere we look they are flittering about in September and warm early October days.
I like those Peacock butterflies...we don't get them here. I can see how it got its name. Very pretty colors! I love those bird shots. Isn't it nice when some bird doesn't see you or care if you are there and comes close? You got some great shots of it! My favorites are the one looking outward and the one looking down...cute!
Hi Roy, yes it's a brilliant garden for wildlife, a bit overgrown I'm afraid as I can't get up there as often as I'd like and don't have enough energy when I do! (-:
Hi Chris, are they a big rarity up in Iceland then? I should look it up in my Collins Bird Guide.
Hi Evie, yes, I dearly wish I had room in my garden for a Buddleia, I love the honey like smell too. Maybe they'll come out with a miniature Buddleia one of these days! (-:
Hi Pix, I'd definitely recommend getting some Buddleia, you have the room out there I think and they have a lovely range of colours.
Hi Mary, yes it doesn't seem to happen too often that a bird will let me get close enough for decent shots, but it's lovely when it does happen! (-:
Hi Jen.
Lovely images from your Mum's garden. Her Buddleia is certainly attracting far more than mine. FAB.
I so enjoy it when you visit your Mom's Garden! It's all wonderful. Please pay her my compliments on the beautiful garden and also on her health.
Hi Frank, Her's has nearly 'gone over' tho. Maybe I should've dead headed while I was there!
Hi Christine, I will do that, thanks. It is a lovely garden, but miles to big for her to cope with I'm afraid and I can't get up there enough to make a big difference. She still enjoys being out there though and thats what counts.
What a spectacular post!
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